Home Staging Calculator

Calculate the cost of staging your home for sale, including furniture rental, decor, and additional services.

$/sq ft
$/sq ft

How to Calculate Home Staging Costs


\text{Total Staging Cost} = (\text{Furniture Cost} + \text{Decor Cost}) \times \text{Home Area} + \text{Additional Costs}


  • Furniture Cost: Cost per unit area for furniture rentals.
  • Decor Cost: Cost per unit area for decor.
  • Home Area: Total area of the home (in square feet or square meters).
  • Additional Costs: Flat-rate charges for extra services like cleaning or repairs.

Example Calculation:

Imagine you’re staging a home with a total area of 1,500 sq ft.

  • Furniture cost per sq ft: $2
  • Decor cost per sq ft: $1
  • Additional services: $500


\text{Total Cost} = (2 + 1) \times 1500 + 500 = 4500 + 500 = 5000

You would need $5,000 for home staging.